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Crofton Anne-Dane

Year 4 - Stubbington 25



A Warm Welcome

Welcome to our website!

I am absolutely delighted as the Executive Head Teacher of Crofton Anne Dale Federation to welcome you to our website. It is an absolute pleasure to come to school every day and spend time with our children, staff and parents. 

Visitors frequently comment on how warm and welcoming our schools are, how well-behaved and polite our children are  and how fantastic our grounds are. Learning outdoors is a key part of our curriculum and children have regular access to our outdoor facilities which include a pond, an outdoor classroom, woods, chickens, open air classroom, amphitheatre and running track not to mention our playing fields and outdoor play trails. 

Read the full welcome message here...

Our Learning  Values

  • Independence
  • Resilience
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Deep Thinking