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Crofton Anne-Dane

Music at Crofton Anne Dale Federated Schools

 “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” - Confucius

At Crofton Anne Dale Federated Schools, music is valued as an important subject in our curriculum. We aim to make music an enjoyable learning experience for all children whatever their previous experience.

We have a very strong music curriculum where children have the opportunity to participate in a weekly class music lesson which is very much focused on practical learning. We want children to develop a love of music and build musical confidence. Through class lessons they:

  • Learn and develop musical skills and techniques.
  • Listen to music from a variety of times and cultures.
  • Have the opportunity to make frequent informal performances in front of their peers and in more formal and larger group settings.
  • Have the opportunity to create their own music.

In the Infant School, singing is an important part of children’s musical experience. As well as singing during class lessons, children also take part in weekly Singing Assemblies. They will develop their understanding of pulse, rhythm and pitch in a variety of ways, including active listening and percussion work.

In the Junior School, singing continues to be at the heart of the music curriculum as children sing a broader range of songs and develop part singing and adding harmony. All children have the opportunity to play a range of percussion instruments, including tuned percussion. Children in Y3 learn to play the recorder. In Years 4-6, children also use the recorder to enhance their musical learning. Children in Year 4 learn how to play the ukulele and showcase their learning in a concert to parents.

Children in Year 2 –Year 6 have the opportunity to be part of a school choir, which performs throughout the school year at different events. There is also a Recorder Group at the Junior School.

The Junior school offers a range of instrumental lessons (additional costs can apply to this). We currently offer keyboard, ukuleles brass, woodwind, violin and guitar lessons.

Curriculum objective planning ensures National Curriculum coverage and uses guidance from the Model Music Curriculum. Resources are used from a variety of sources including Hampshire Music Service. Units of work are planned carefully to ensure that key skills are learnt and that progression is made throughout each key stage. Links are made with class topics where possible for example, in Y5 children did a unit of work on ‘Rap’ music and wrote an Egyptian rap to link in with their history topic that term.

Music helps to particularly develop our school’s key learning values:

Resilience - learning to play an instrument, needs practise and perseverance, especially when a beginner.

Teamwork - making connections with others and developing social skills as they work on a composition task or performance with others.

Creativity - children have opportunities to combine sounds and use instruments to create their own music.

Curriculum Plan

cadf music development plan.pdf

 Music for this week

At Crofton Anne Dale we encourage children to appreciate and show respect for a broad range of music from a range of diverse backgrounds, and also to understand the effect it can have on the listener and it’s social, historical and cultural context. Each week, we listen to a piece of music or song of a different style, culture or time. Much of our music has been suggested by Hampshire Music Service and the Model Music Curriculum.

springa 2025.pdf

autumn 2 2024.pdf

autumn 1 2024.pdf

 Music Blog

It has been a busy couple of weeks for music making at school.

It began with Year 2 walking to Crofton School to watch some of their students from Crofton in a concert. We were entertained by Ukulele and Guitar groups, an Orchestra and bands. There was also singing from a group of children who had taken part in a drama production of Mary Poppins. It was a great concert and showed Year 2 what they could be doing in a few years time.

Later that day, the Year 2 choir took part in their own concert back in school for parents. Those children who have been learning instruments also performed.

The choir from Year 2 and the Junior School Choir took part in the annual Cluster Festival. We joined Hammond Infant School and music groups from Crofton. Each group performed in turn and we enjoyed listening to everyone’s contribution.

Last week, the Junior School had their Summer Concert. Seventy children took part. There was singing from the choir and a recorder piece. We had music from Year 5 and 6 pianists. Violin, flute, brass, guitar and ukulele groups also performed.

The Junior School Choir performed again at the Summer Fayre in front of an enthusiastic crowd!

In order to allow some of our younger pianists chance to play for an audience, we had a special assembly on Monday that adults from home were invited to.

Finally, some children from Y3 and Y4 took part in the ‘Gosport Big Sing’, at Fort Brockhurst, along with other schools in the area. We sang eight songs which had been written especially for the event about Gosport and the Brent Geese that come back to the area every year. We learnt about Charles Mumby and his fizzy drinks that were served to Queen Victoria. One of our favourite songs was about Elvis the Eel who lived in Haslar lake!

Well done to everyone who took part in our Musical events this Summer.