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Crofton Anne-Dane


 Year 2

Autumn 1

 Our current topic, 'Where have all the toys gone?'

where have all the toys gone 24 25.pdf

 The children loved our transition topic - 'What birds live in the rainforest?'

We used the film 'Rio' to help us learn about wildlife in Brazil. We tasted tropical fruit, made carnival hats and animal masks and celebrated our learning with a fun carnival at the end of the learning journey. The children loved it!



Autumn 2

Our topic this half term - 'What goes snap, crackle and pop?'

what goes snap crackle and pop.pdf

This half term, year 2 have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. We made bonfire art by blowing paint and using sticks to create a realistic bonfire scene. We produced a poster for parents telling them all the facts we learnt about Guy Fawkes. We also wrote some diary entries retelling a firework party. 


In science, we experimented with different materials to make the best umbrella. This meant the teachers got very wet when testing the children's ideas of what would be the most suitable material. The children loved watching this!  

They also loved our experiments with Coke and Mentos and shaving foam art and food colouring art. 


Spring 1

 Our topic this half term - 'How to survive anywhere!'

how to survive anywhere.pdf


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2