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Crofton Anne-Dane

Year 4

Welcome to our Year Four pages.  We hope that you enjoy looking through a sample of what we have been up to.



Summer 2 - What if it Never Rained Again?

summer 2 what if it never rained again docx.pdf




year 4 newsletter april 1 .pdf



Coming up next...

summer 1 fair trade leaf.pdf


Vikings - Raider or Traders?

spring 2 vikings raiders or traders.pdf



World Book Day

The children had a great time meeting Jack Ryder and reading Jack's Secret World.  In order to generate ideas for writing, children created their own magic potion to give them super powers.  On Friday, we loved seeing so many children dressed up.  Thank you for all your support with this.  Keep Reading!

World Book Day Y4



Stubbington Study Centre Photos are here!


Why do we have foxes in our village?

spring 1 why do foxes live in our village.pdf



Anglo Saxons

The children have been finding out more about life in Anglo-Saxon times.  We launched our topic by having a fun day outside, taking part in lots of Anglo Saxon activities.  The children made Tree Guardians out of clay, practiced making knots and creating bracelets.  They also found out more about Anglo Saxon life and even cooked their own stew.  It was a really fun day and thank you to all of the parents who helped their children with their costumes.


Anglo Saxon Day




Autumn 2 - Love to Learn


Over the next couple of weeks, the children will be undertaking a mini unit focusing on key learning skills.  They will undertake activities to help them develop skills of independence, team work, resilience, creativity and deep thinking.  They will be reading the Barnabus Project as a stimulus for learning.  

Autumn 1 - Where does my food go?

In our topic, Where does my food go? Year 4 will be learning about teeth and digestive system.  They will use the Demon Dentist as a stimulus for writing.

autumn 1 where does my dinner go 23.pdf

Perfectly Norman

Perfectly Norman | NSPCC

We have loved listening to the story of Norman,.  A perfectly ordinary boy until he grew wings.

Have a look at our fantastic diary entries, writing in role as the main character,  

Welcome Back!

Wow!  What an amazing start to the new school year.  The children have settled into their new classrooms and routines already and we are so proud of them.

Over the last 4 weeks, children have been exploring the ideas of Hope and Optimism.  We have had a lovely time listening to their ideas end encouraging them to find ways to be positive about the future!

Come back soon to read some of the children's amazing poems and diary entries. 

River Trip

As part of our geography learning, we took a trip to the river, in this case, Titchfield Canal.  Children had the opportunity to apply their knowledge of technical language to describe the flow and shape of the river.  We were also lucky enough to spot lots of wildlife.  We are not sure whether the highlight of the trip was the journey on the school minibus or playing "pooh sticks!"

River Trip


The children have showed off their creative side by writing their own Haikus.  A haiku is a Japanese style poem based on nature.  It consists of 3 lines.  The first and third line have 5 syllables in, the middle line should have 7.  We hope you enjoy looking at our examples.

Click here to see our Haikus