Year 5
Topic 3 - Is there anyone out there? (Spring 1)
During our recent topic, we have been absolutely loving learning about Space. We have been looking at a new style of writing in the form of a graphic novel called 'The first cat in Space ate Pizza'. The children have created their own graphic novels in our English writing, enjoying listening to the book being performed by the writer themselves (Mac Barnett and Shawn Harris, available on YouTube) and if that isn't enough, visiting Space for themselves in the Planetarium at the Winchester Science Centre.
Winchester Science Centre
But it is not over yet, the more we learn about Space, the more excited the children are to create different Space related work, which will be showcased next week in our Science Fayre. WARNING: Rockets and other science 'things' may be present! TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!
3 y5 is there anyone out there.pdf
Topic 2 - What does it take to survive? (Autumn 1 and 2)
We have been so impressed with the creativity and deep thinking from the children this half term. The work they have produced has been fantastic.
Tuesday 24th September 2024 - Yesterday, our children dived into our new topic 'What does it take to survive?' with a morning of Geography lessons, followed by a fantastic afternoon of den building and orienteering which was then topped off with a hot chocolate and biscuit. We can't wait to get stuck into our new topic!